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Moonlight Shadow - Mike Oldfield & Maggie Reilly

Moonlight Shadow
Moonlight Shadow
Mike Oldfield & Maggie Reilly
autor slow:
Mike Oldfield
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Mike Oldfield
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Music Soft for YAMAHA
The last that ever she saw him, 
Carried away by a moonlight shadow. 
He passed on worried and warning, 
Carried away by a moonlight shadow. 
Lost in a river that Saturday night, 
Far away on the other side. 
He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight 
And she couldn´t find how to push through. 

The trees that whisper in the evening, 
Carried away by a moonlight shadow. 
Sing a song of sorrow and grieving, 
Carried away by a moonlight shadow. 
All she saw was a silhouette of a gun, 
Far away on the other side. 
He was shot six times by a man on the run 
And she couldn´t find how to push through. 

I stay, I pray, 
See you in heaven far away. 
I stay, I pray, 
See you in heaven one day. 

Four a.m. in the morning, 
Carried away by a moonlight shadow. 
I watched your vision forming, 
Carried away by a moonlight shadow. 
Stars move slowly in a silvery night, 
Far away on the other side. 
Will you come to talk to me this night, 
But she couldn´t find how to push through. 

I stay, I pray, 
See you in heaven far away. 
I stay, I pray, 
See you in heaven one day. 
Far away on the other side. 
Caught in the middle of a hundred and five. 
The night was heavy and the air was alive, 
But she couldn´t find how to push through. 

Carried away by a moonlight shadow. 
Carried away by a moonlight shadow. 
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