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Seven Tears - Goombay Dance Band

Seven Tears
Seven Tears
Goombay Dance Band
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

M-m-m, m-m-m-m-m-m, m,
M-m-m, m-m-m-m-m-m,
M-m-m, m-m-m-m-m-m, m-m,
M-m-m, m-m-m-m-m-m.

Seven tears have flown into the river
Seven tears are runnin´ to the sea.
If one day they reach some distant waters
Then you´ll know
It´s sent with love from me.

Here I stand
Head in hand
Lonely like a stranger on the shore.
I can´t stand this feeling anymore.
Day by day
This world´s all grey
And if dreams were eagles I would fly
But they ain´t
And that´s the reason why.

Seven tears have flown into the river
Seven tears are runnin´ to the sea.
If one day they reach some distant waters
Then you´ll know
It´s sent with love from me.

Oh my darling, oh my pretty lady
Golden star that leads to paradise.
Like a river´s running to the ocean
I´ll come back to you fourthousand miles.

Here I stand
Head in hand
Lonely like a stranger on the shore.
I can´t stand this feeling anymore.
Day by day
This world´s all grey
And if dreams were eagles I would fly
But they ain´t
And that´s the reason why.

Seven tears have flown into the river
Seven tears are runnin´ to the sea.
If one day they reach some distant waters
Then you´ll know
It´s sent with love from me.

Oh my darling, oh my pretty lady
Golden star that leads to paradise.
Like a river´s running to the ocean
I´ll come back to you fourthousand miles.

Seven tears have flown into the river
Seven tears are runnin´ to the sea.
If one day they reach some distant waters
Then you´ll know
It´s sent with love from me.

If one day they reach some distant waters
Then you´ll know
It´s sent with love from me.
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