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Una Paloma Blanca - George Baker Selection

Una Paloma Blanca
Una Paloma Blanca
George Baker Selection
autor slow:
Johannes Bouwens
autor muzyki:
Johannes Bouwens
C-dur / F-dur

wybierz demo:

Music Soft for YAMAHA
Music Soft for KORG
Music Styles for KORG
When the sun shines on the mountain 
And the night is on the run 
It´s a new day 
It´s a new way 
And I fly up to the sun 

I can feel the morning sunlight 
I can smell the new mown hay 
I can hear God´s voice is calling 
For my golden sky light way 

Una paloma blanca 
I´m just a bird in the sky 
Una paloma blanca 
Over the mountains I fly 
No one can take my freedom away 

Once I had my share of losing 
For they locked me on a chain 
Yes they tried to break my power 
Oh I still can feel the pain 

Una paloma blanca 
I´m just a bird in the sky 
Una paloma blanca 
Over the mountains I fly 
If no one can take my freedom away 
If no one can take my freedom away 

When the sun shines on the mountain 
And the night is on the run 
It´s a new day 
It´s a new way 
And I fly up to the sun 

Una paloma blanca 
I´m just a bird in the sky 
Una paloma blanca 
Over the mountains I fly 
If No one can take my freedom away 
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