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Sleeping In My Car - Roxette

Sleeping In My Car
Sleeping In My Car
czas trwania:

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I´ll tell you what I´ve done, 
I´ll tell you what I´ll do, 
Been driving all night just to get close to you. 
Baby Babe, I´m moving so fast, 
You´d better come on. 

The moon is alright, 
The freeway´s heading south, 
My heart is going Boom, 
There´s a strange taste in my mouth. 
Baby Babe, I´m moving real fast, 
So try to hold on, 
Try to hold on. 

Sleeping in my car, 
I will undress you, 
Sleeping in my car, 
I will caress you, 
Staying in the back seat of my car, 
Making up, oooh. 

So come out tonight, 
I´ll take you for a ride, 
This steamy ol´ wagon, 
The radio is getting wild. 
Baby Babe, we´re moving so fast, 
I try to hang on, oooh, 
Try to hang on. 

Sleeping in my car, 
I will undress you, 
Sleeping in my car, 
I will caress you, 
Staying in the back seat of my car, 
Making love, oh yeah! 

Sleeping in my car, 
I will possess you, 
Sleeping in my car, 
Certainly bless you 
Laying in the back seat of my car, 
Making up, ooh. 

The night is so pretty and so young, 
The night is so pretty and so young, 
So very young. 
Sleeping in my car, 
I will undress you, 
Sleeping in my car, 
I will caress you, 
Staying in the back seat of my car, 
Making love to you. 

Sleeping in my car, 
I will possess you, 
Sleeping in my car, 
Certainly bless you, 
Laying in the back seat of my car, 
Making up, making up. 
I will undress you, 
The night is so pretty and so young, yeeah. 
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