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Nomansland (David´s Song) - Klaus Hallen

Nomansland (David´s Song)
Nomansland (David´s Song)
Klaus Hallen
czas trwania:

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Lost in my dreams
I see you there
Float through the air
Deep in my heart
I feel you´re real
I have no fear
Look in my eyes
And take my hand
Guide all our free
To nomansland

I´m like a baby in your arms
You hold me tight and take to fly
I feel so free, I´m like a dove
Flying over the sea of love
You are like an angel from above
Looking down before and so much love
Then you come to me and take my hand
Here I am with you in Nomansland
You are in my heart and in my dreams
You opened up my soul and made me see
I will follow you untill the end
I will follow you to nomansland

Deep in my heart
I feel you´re real
I have no fear
Look in my eyes
And take my hand
Guide all our free
To nomansland

Deep in my heart
I feel you´re real
I have no fear
Look in my eyes
And take my hand
Guide all our free
To nomansland
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