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When they return all the ladies is around
Where ladies what you tellin ´bout
All ´em there ladies
Could you tell me then
they´ll be hanging around
Yeah them big blue that girls
The big Modo
Yeah right right right
Ladies come around
when we´re in Town
Ready to get down
to check out the sound
My plan just landed
I already can this
Some know how we do
and some don´t understand it
Girls buy the tools
force in the crew
Waitin´ to talk
to hear the ladies news
Girlie lookin´ fly
she gave me the eye
But once I wanna talk
she act to shy
I pack a four pound
ready to get down
Pull up to the hotel
girls all around
Is K T E double
leanin´ in the strech
I can´t recall the name
but I think it was a licks
When we come to town
all the ladies come around
When we come to town
all the ladies come around
When we come to town
all the ladies come around
All the ladies all the ladies
Twelve midnight
we rock the sunset
A night to remember
not a night to regret
From here to Tibet
you know we livin´ wet
I´m the Sergent George
what you just don´t could it
Jet in a fat Lullery cold fat
Gettin´ paid door like I just want a bed
Bed twistin´ once
but I´m not keep sweat
I want men a bed
not a girl cought sweat
Maximilian like girls death brasilian
In the next two or three years
I´m still shearlin´
Here to an ice take girls to paradise
If you´re free for the day
then I´m free for tonight
When we come to town
all the ladies come around
When we come to town
all the ladies come around
When we come to town
all the ladies come around
All the ladies all the ladies
Some play games
but I don´t save names
If I was in Katie
well things´d be the same
I wanna get the two cause
you´re the finest thing
I wanna get the two
so I can run pain
East cost West cost we´re gettin´ down
When we come to town
all the ladies come around
If you never did it before
I shell you have
When we come to town
all the ladies come around
When we come to town
all the ladies come around
Just to get down
and listen to the sound
When we come to town
all the ladies come around
All the ladies
all the ladies
all the ladies
all the ladies
Even in fresh early scored the same
When we come to town
all the ladies come around
All around the world
it´s the same old thing
When we come to town
all the ladies come around
So round live a lady at the Evy show
We will understand at you
but yo we got to go
When we come to town
all the ladies come around
All the ladies
all the ladies
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