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Sailing Away - Chris de Burgh

Sailing Away
Sailing Away
Chris de Burgh
czas trwania:

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Waiting at the water´s edge 
Watching all the ships 
As they are heading for the harbour wall, 
I was just a boy, 
I was just a boy, 
Dreaming of the wide world, 
Dreaming of the wide world. 

Watching as they disappear, 
Reading out the names 
Of all the places I have never been, 
Looking out to sea, 
Staring out to sea, 
Dreaming of a wide world, 
Dreaming of the wide world. 

Uuuu, uuuu, 
Uuuu, uuuuuu... 

I wish I was sailing away, 
Sailing away, 
Sailing away, with you tonight, 
With you tonight. 

Walking down another street, 
Underneath the red lights, 
I am watching where the shadows fall, 
Looking at the girls, 
Listening to the girls, 
Dreaming of a new world, 
Dreaming of that new world. 

Uuuu, uuuu, 
Uuuu, uuuuuu... 

I wish I was sailing away, 
Sailing away, 
Sailing away, in your arms tonight, 
In your arms tonight. 

I wish I was sailing away, 
Sailing away, 
Sailing away, with you now, 
With you now... 
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