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Dancing with tears in my eyes - Engelbert Humperdinck

Dancing with tears in my eyes
Dancing with tears in my eyes
Engelbert Humperdinck
czas trwania:

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This is our last dance together 
Some I will never forget 
You gave me the love of a lifetime 
Not a moment with you I regret 

But I´m so afraid of tomorrow 
´Cause I got to face it alone 
I´m losing my reason for living 
I will be just a man on my own 

Oh baby, I´m dancing with tears in my eyes 
I hear the music but after it died 
I know we never will share it again 
This song we´re singing will come to an end 

Oh darling, I wish we could dance forever 
And spend all my life in your arms 
Deep down I knew we had no future 
What rainy day you would go 
I guess I just find you too late girl 
And you can´t better hurting, I know 

Nothing and no one can change you 
Until yourself, you are true 
But God knows, I always remember 
The light in my life, that was you 

Oh baby, I´m dancing with tears in my eyes 
I hear the music but after it died 
I know we never will share it again 
This song we´re singing will come to an end 

Oh darling, I wish we could dance forever 
And spend all my life in your arms 

Oh baby, I´m dancing with tears in my eyes 
I hear the music but after it died 
I know we never will share it again 
This song we´re singing will come to an end 
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